The boat has spent a lot of time in the tropics and the stainless steel railings and fittings were pretty ugly. Since I am in the process of restoring the boat and giving her a second lease on life, I was contemplating the thought that I might have to remove the stainless steel and either replace it completely or send it out to be re-polished – an expensive proposition to say the least.
I had tried several “cleaners” previously with mixed results but nothing met the standard that I had set for my restoration. So when I saw the advertisement for Spotless Stainless I was a little skeptical to say the least. I treated my testing in a very casual and cavalier manner – in other words I did not read the instructions, did not shake the bottle and just brushed the material on the railing. Then I forgot it only to come back a hour later to wash it off. And guess what – it did a great job.
With that test in mind, I then read the directions and followed your suggestions and guess what – the Spotless Stainless did even a better job. Tough to reach rust spots that would have been impossible with polishes were easily cleaned up with Spotless Stainless. So I am definitely a proponent for Spotless Stainless –. It is simple to use, requires little skill, and does a great job - better than anything else I have tried.
Bill, Florida Keys